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Discover the Digital Connect blog: tutorials, guides, analyses, and insights on SEO, SEM, Digital Marketing, websites, AI, and more.

Planning Digital Marketing Campaigns for Clients

Digital marketing includes a number of techniques, each of which is of particular importance and very effective. Usually, we use multiple channels, but not more than three in a 6-month campaign.

This is because we need to identify which channel is proving to be the most successful in realizing client’s business goals such as converting leads and increasing sales.

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Getting Your Clients Excited and Involved in the SEO Journey

SEO is one of the best digital marketing channels which enables you to increase website traffic and improve your rankings on search engines – organically. It’s interesting, fun, and exciting especially for specialists who love contests and challenges. To be honest, usually, SEOs keep this excitement unrevealed, which can elicit insecurity to your customers.

Most of the time, SEOs use a technical approach. To avoid having a skeptic client that doubts your capabilities, you should use some tactics to get them involved in the SEO journey and share your enthusiasm. At the end of the day, both parties should know that this is a joint venture!

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