SEO Performance: Real Case Interpretation

SEO Performance: Real Case Interpretation

Digital Connect specializes in professional, advanced Internet Marketing services. In recent years, we’ve had many international clients whose online performance has improved considerably after receiving our services.

In this article, we will discuss a case of special importance to us for which we will present an analytical study and interpret it. Given the nature of the business and the very high competition, we were aware from the beginning that this project would be pretty challenging. And that encouraged us even more!

Defining goals and internet marketing efforts

This is a company that deals with professional proposal writing and consulting services for Government Procurements. They’re located in the USA and operate all over the country.

After discussing with the client and identifing the main goals, we defined the digital marketing efforts and channels that we would use to achieve these goals:

  • Organic Traffic Increase
  • Qualified Lead Generation
  • Conversion Rate Improvement

To achieve this, we have implemented the best SEO practices, but not only. We have combined several different marketing approaches with a special emphasis on content marketing. The company that contracted us had made a new website that was indexed recently and was steadily taking place in the world of WWW. After a comprehensive analysis, we resolved the key strategies/techniques we would mainly focus on:

  • Keyword Research and Analysis
  • On-Page optimization (meta title & description)
  • Image Optimization
  • Landing page creation
  • Blog posts and content sharing
  • Off-Page SEO (Link Building, Guest posts, Directories etc)
  • Social Media Management
  • Content Strategy
  • Google Analytics Configuration and Analysis
  • Webmaster tools configuration and Analysis

The main activities and procedures performed

From experience, we can say that what attracts most audiences at the end of the day is a well-structured website with relevant, informative, and accurate content. So we focused on creating a highly qualitative and targeted content, optimizing it with keywords that would help users easily find what they were looking for. In this case, the services that our client offers.

In addition to the content, we optimized Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions, Images, URLs, and made sure to fix any bugs and broken pages, thus evidently improving the UI and UX. Furthermore, we conducted consistent research investigating the audience and search trends in order to create targeted Landing Pages with specific queries, which helped us stay informed and be on top in terms of updates for the audience. Another important point in terms of content strategy was the blog that addressed the most relevant and current topics related to the latest activities in our customer’s business area.

Also, we have performed the best off-SEO practices including link building, brand awareness enhancement, social media sharing, and engagement.

Campaign Results: One Year Comparison

As we have mentioned above, we have used a combination of best practices and highest quality tools in the market to reach our customer’s objectives.

We’ve made multiple assessments and interpreted the results to come to the conclusion and determine which marketing channels were performing better, and understand where more work needed to be done to fill those “gaps” and improve the performance.

Below we have listed some of the main results of our SEO Campaign Performance:


As shown, the increase in site visits is quite noticeable from 2017 to 2018. Here you can see all the positive results starting from the increasing number of new and returning visitors, the increasing percentage of page sessions, and to the increase of the average time duration of users on the site. The most important amount of traffic comes from Organic Search, which indicates that our SEO activities resulted successfully.

Page Views

This graph shows the number of page views, the number of users, and their behavior on the site pages.

Here’s a comparison of website performance in the last three months of 2017 and the last three months of 2018. As you can see, the increase in sessions has increased to 242.48%, of site visits to 161.26%, while the number of visitors increased to 326.24% with 80.07 new ones.

Ranking Progress


Here you can see the performance of the website from the beginning to the present. Given the fact that we took this project when the website barely received a few clicks, such an increase in clicks and impressions is an achievement to be appreciated. Also, it’s worth mentioning that the main pages have been ranked on the first page of search engines.

Organic Traffic


In the graph above is illustrated the increase in the percentage of sessions through organic traffic from 2017 to 2018. According to Google Analytics, this percentage has increased to 62.03%, bringing 10,252 new visitors to the website, thus achieving 5.79% of Goal Conversion Rate.


These were just some of the metrics we have interpreted from this long-term project. In the second phase of Internet Marketing Strategies, we have implemented Inbound Marketing Methodology including all its strategies and techniques.

The secret to the success of a successful digital marketing campaign is a sound assessment of all aspects, problem identification, goal setting, strategy selection, best practice implementation, excellent campaign management, detailed analysis, accurate interpretation, improvement, and reporting.