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5 Reasons to Build a Mobile App for Your Business

Smartphones are in everyone’s hands today. If not in their hands, they’re in their pockets. According to Flurry’s State of Mobile Reports analysis conducted in 2016, the total time users spent in mobile apps grew by 69% year-over-year. Furthermore, the report states that American users spend about 5 hours a day using mobile apps.

The truth is that mobile devices give you the opportunity to access information anywhere you are. Businesses from across the world are moving from the traditional way of promoting their products, services to the mobile world. Designer brands and industry giants have been doing this for a long time now, but small businesses are increasingly going mobile, too. Mobile apps help companies of different sizes serve clients in a proper way, and have a greater return on investments.

Benefits of Having a Mobile App for Your Business


Having a mobile app for your business can be advantageous for your company in many ways. Before deciding to build an app, define your objectives and what you want your app to do. And, execute it! Below I have listed 5 Reasons to build an awesome mobile app to complement your website and business activity.

Most people are on mobile

Do you need a better reason to start building it? Regardless of what services or products you sell, having a mobile app it’s a must.  A huge amount of traffic comes from mobile devices. Many users favor smart mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, to search for something or make a purchase online over the desktop. This is a great indicator that you shouldn’t limit your presence to a great website.

Since the majority of people are on mobile, you need to be where they are, offering them exactly what they need. A research conducted by  found that in December 2017 there were 3.5 million apps available for download on Google Play Store; whereas in January 2017, in Apple App Store were 2.2 million apps available for download.Competition is fierce for every kind of business, and increasing brand awareness is pretty difficult in this enormous competitive environment. You need to be there for your customers and do your best to convey the message of your company effectively.

Provide more value to your customers

Successful companies are customer-oriented. There is a reciprocal relationship between you and your prospects/customers. The greatest struggle of a business is to boost engagement and increase conversion rate. Of course, you want people to interact with your business and promote sales, but in exchange, you should be able to offer them unique value.

A mobile app can help you do just that. You can create a loyalty program within your app and reward users that subscribe to or interact with your app. Let’s assume you sell beauty products, and for every subscriber, you offer a “free lipstick” or a “free make-up service”. You can also send sale coupons for loyal customers, and users that buy products over a certain amount of money.  Using this tactic will help you flatter them and earn loyal, satisfied customers and promoters for your brand. Moreover, mobile apps are great for marketing. You can notify your customers of new products, offers, discounts, events, etc. People love being appreciated.

Improve Brand Awareness

Your mobile app provides your customers/prospects with the possibility to communicate with your brand while improving its awareness. And communication is the key to building trust. It’ll allow you to constantly interact with your target market and be in touch with your audience. A functional and easy to navigate app will help you strengthen the authority of your brand and educate your consumers by demonstrating them what you stand for.

Communicate with customers

Customer service must be your top priority, and mobile apps can totally increase customer satisfaction. Mobile apps can be downloaded and used in every hour of the day. People can buy your products whenever they have time, and they might need some answers before making the purchase. To offer a pleasant user experience, you can add a help desk on your mobile platform where buyers can submit questions, make a review or post a complaint.

No matter what kind of business you have, make your step-by-step “purchasing’ or “booking” procedures simple and secure. People get tired very fast and they may abandon the order because of a complex checkout process.

Increase profits

The last but the most important of all, the ultimate goal of every business is to increase their profits. Having a mobile app and establishing a great customer service can help you experience an exceptional ROI. The first impression is everything, and the way you treat your customers will make or break your brand. The more pleased people are with a buying experience, the greater will be the customer demand. And this means greater profits for your business.

The bottom line of this story is very simple — you need an awesome mobile app, right now!
