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E-Commerce maintenance and management services


eCommerce is an integral part of many companies nowadays. It helps you keep your website up to date, connect to a larger audience, and provide the best experience possible to your customers.
As a result, a proper eCommerce service needs extensive and qualitative expertise to function properly and allow your business to thrive.
Our eCommerce management service is based on professional experience from IT consultant experts. It offers all the necessary eCommerce maintenance tools listed below, which will allow you to increase your sales and keep your business forever successful.


A professional catalog e-content management solution will ensure that your business is up to date and your products are visible and accessible online at all times. Most importantly, the product catalog e-content maintenance service will increase trust between your website and your visitors.
We want your customers to have the best online shopping experience possible. This can be achieved by continually uploading all new products on the website and ensuring that your eCommerce site is always up to date. Our product catalog distributes information on the correct eCommerce tabs and includes variables such as price, quantity, dimension, weight, etc.Every business becomes more successful in its sales by collecting relevant data that helps them deliver better products and better service. As part of the eCommerce management service, we set up Google Analytics to gather data from the website and process this data accordingly.
The main goal of this service is to facilitate product position on various search engines through SEO optimization and proper drafting of all text content.
An eCommerce site relies on images to grab attention. It also relies on the right image ALT attributes to obtain a good ranking in search results. Through this service, we carefully optimize all product images referring to an online sale.
We provide blog articles with proper SEO optimization, incorporated ‘calls to action’, as well as exciting and compelling topics. Our team determines the most competitive keywords related to your business or products and uses them to craft blog posts accordingly. By doing so, we can design an informative and successful blog for your e-commerce.


Search engine optimization is a key feature of eCommerce management. It requires a great deal of effort and expertise upfront, and little to no work at all once your business does well in rankings. Our work consists of just that, a way to get your eCommerce marketing campaign jump-started and make your business visible to your target audience.
We carefully study your products and optimize your web pages by using the most competitive keywords related to them.
Site audits are performed regularly as part of our eCommerce management service, to evaluate the overall performance of your site concerning search engines. The scope of this process is to make your website appear on the search engine’s results pages.
Indexing problems can drive a huge wedge between your business and your audience as they prevent your website from being displayed in search engine results. We provide necessary solutions to fix indexing problems and drive traffic to your website through our eCommerce maintenance tools.

Page redirect is a complex part of an eCommerce management service, which requires special and technical expertise to be done successfully. What our team achieves with this tool is an excellent user experience as well as an improved SEO for your business.


Every business becomes more successful in its sales by collecting relevant data that helps them deliver better products and better service. As part of the eCommerce management service, we set up Google Analytics to gather data from the website and process this data accordingly.

By setting a Google Search Console we can monitor and maintain your eCommerce presence in Google search results. The ultimate goal of this process is to improve your site’s visibility and generate more traffic on your eCommerce, which will ultimately benefit your business.

This is a targeted service consisting of configuration, installation, and tracking of advertising campaigns from Google or social media. As part of an eCommerce management service, we use this tool to gather data on our users (origin, age, sex, main areas of interest) as well as product performance (product view and successful purchases).

Captivating graphics and sale banners can positively grab the attention of your targeted audience and push people to engage with your business.


Order management is not only complicated but also time-consuming. In today’s fast-paced world where time is the most valuable form of currency, no one has the luxury to make mistakes when it comes to managing orders. This is why we offer our expertise to facilitate this process and enhance your eCommerce performance in all directions.
An eCommerce website is crafted to generate sales, and once that happens it is time for orders to reach the customer. Our eCommerce management team provides careful planning and coordination for products to reach stores and markets.
Tracking multiple source inventory can be quite challenging. We pay close attention to all eCommerce platforms and inventory to make the process easier for you.
Our eCommerce management starts with the products getting online and stops when the order is in the customers’ hands. We provide support for products reaching the warehouse and getting ready to be shipped.
Customer order management is an important tool for our eCommerce maintenance service. We will provide support for orders being delivered as well as returns.
Part of a good management process is ensuring that stockouts are avoided by conducting adequate forecasting and providing accurate reports.

Contact us for a quote and choose a tailor-made service for you

Our team of specialist will be happy to hear from you and help you drive
your eCommerce at its fullest potential


A site with bugs or a complicated user interface can damage your business. Our goal is to make your website not just interesting and eye-catching but also easy to use. Our continuous website support and maintenance will keep your eCommerce website’s reputation intact and provide the best experience for your visiting customers.


CMS updates refer to the content management system. Combined with security patches, these elements are used to structure an eCommerce website based on its size and type.
Time is money and no one can afford to waste time on a site containing errors. Bugs can leave a very bad impression on users and spoil their entire user experience when exploring the site. We provide bug fix support to show the users how much we respect their patience.
Your eCommerce website is the heart of your business in today’s digital world, which is why we work hard to develop it. Upgrade cycles can be tricky but our team is able to navigate any possible challenges.


User experience (UX) changes aim to better the interaction between the users, the company, its products, and services. Our input simplifies navigation on the site and provides a better introduction of the entire eCommerce platform to the users.

Customer experience improvements can create a stronger bond between your audience and your business. As part of our eCommerce management service, we use this tool to generate more sales by offering a respectful and professional customer experience.

An eCommerce platform needs to be upgraded from time to time to keep up with our fast-paced world. Our feature upgrades will limit extensive costs by focusing on customer needs and evaluating the right time when an upgrade becomes necessary.
Newsletters and banners are crucial activities of an eCommerce management service as they facilitate communication between your business and your customers. Our team implements a structured subscription to newsletters and creates custom made banners to stimulate users to engage with the site.

Improve your eCommerce now!

We are building bridges in web technology in order to connect the client’s goal to reality